304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
If you are looking to do a web design for your business, the advice you need to ask yourself is whether you should use a professional web design company or a freelance web designer. To be frank, you can do a good job with either. But if you are serious about your business and you want to have a web presence, a professional web design company can give you the edge you need to compete with other companies with similar businesses and to stand out from the crowd.
Your website hosting is also as important as your web design you should choose the faster web hosting company compared to other web hosting groups. A company which regularly and constantly uprades it’s software and hardware and use for exemple SSD drives that are the fastest in cloud and other shared platforms for hosting.
In the corporate world, there are several categories of staff who deal with web design. The most basic type is the “web designer”. This person is just like a coder in the computer world but usually they will code everything manually rather than coding by using a programming language like HTML. A professional web designer knows HTML and knows how to code it by using programs like Dreamweaver and other software.
A professional web designer uses a variety of programs to design a website. Among these are Flash, Flash templates, and Adobe Photoshop. While a professional web designer knows how to make a website look good and look professional, a DIY website maker does not have the skills to do this. A professional web designer will also know how to make a website search engine friendly (SEO) and to have an account on the top three search engines.
The next type of professional web designer is the “business developer”. These people know how to integrate a website with all the corporate applications like email autoresponders, conference calling, payment systems, shopping cart settings, affiliate management system and other features of an enterprise. A business developer uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and database programming to integrate a website.
The next class of professional web designer is the “web designer”. These people are skilled in website development that uses Flash, Flash templates, Adobe Photoshop, and Office software. The web designer knows how to write JavaScript and the skills to integrate an audio/video platform using the Adobe Flash. Many web designers have the Adobe Photoshop skills as well to create custom website designs.
The final class of professional web designers are the “technical designers”. These people know how to integrate a website with various database programs such as Access, MSSQL, and Sybase. They also know how to write code to interact with all the business applications such as email, conference calling, and calendar. They can also write Python scripts to automate certain processes with the site. A technical designer might also know how to create a search engine optimized website.
So to conclude, the advice is to hire a professional web designer or business developer, rather than a DIY web designer or do it yourself web designer, so you get the best possible web site design.