In this Autoresponder Review. I’m going to be talking about three of the top email autoresponders. I’m going to compare them but before I dive into the three autoresponders. I’m going to briefly cover some of the power behind having an email autoresponder and what it can do for your business.
Basically when you set up an email autoresponder you get people to opt-in which means that they put their name and email in and you collect them as a lead.
Then you can use those leads to do a couple of different things as:
- sending out an email sequence to those people automatically.
- sending out a broadcast.
If you’re trying to build a business online you need to have an email autoresponder and here is an exemple to know why?
let’s say that you generate 5,000 peoples on your email list, now I want you to picture the power of having 5,000 okay I want you to think about having a service or even promoting a business or courses or whatever it may be having the power of sending that promotion out not to just people on your social media or by word of mouth but by sending a single email that then gets blasted out to thousands of people and that is the power of creating an email list.
So in this Autoresponder Review I’m going to cover three of a top email autoresponders and I’m going to tell you what I personally recommend to you and why? so the first one is Aweber. Aweber is a big one they’re great and if you have between 5 and 10K peoples on your email list you would be paying about $70/month there’s nothing wrong with Aweber but I do want to discuss the pricing here because when you have 5000 subscribers you will then be paying $69 a month okay let’s compare with another one this one is called MailChimp.
MailChimp is a very large largely used auto responder
So, many bloggers use MailChimp but I will give you a word of caution. If you use an autoresponder for any affiliate marketing you need to be careful because I believe that some autoresponders don’t allow you to put in affiliate links and honestly I don’t understand why this, I think that people should be able to market their business and be able to make return for their investment and promote their affiliate links but with MailChimp don’t allow affiliate links and if you were to have 7000 subscribers you had to pay $75/month but This autoresponder have a lot of features.
Now do you want to know the Autoresponder that I recommend to you and works great! okay It:
GetResponse and here’s what I liked about It.
The pricing: GetResponse is cheaper, you start paying $45/month only when you hit 5000 subscribers and to start out with GetResponse you pay only $15 a month, once you hit 2500 subscriber then you’ll be paying $25 a month but check this out because of the way they have this setup for 5000 subscribers you will pay 45 bucks a month and you will not be paying $65 a month until you hit 10,000 subscribers and then when you hit 10,000 subscribers you will be paying 65 so from 5000 to 10000 you will pay $45 a month no other plans and other services offer that.
So that’s why I like GetResponse they have a much smaller gap of what you pay for when you start with their services.
GetResponse have also a cool feature in which you actually can go into a global view to see in real-time people opening your emails and then not only just opening your emails but actually when they’re in there and clicking your links so when you have a link inside of an email the software will track that but what I love about GetResponse is it actually will show you in real time people clicking and opening your links It’s great! GetResponse is easy to use, it’s very simple to come in and set up email sequences and to send out broadcast and create unlimited amount of lists if you have a different list emails.
Finally, autoresponders in email marketing are essential for growing an online business so if are serious about building an online business my recommendation to you is choosing one of these autoresponders and start to build your list of subscribers.
I’ll leave down below links to have a trial offer where you guys can try them out for discounted price.
You can cancel your subscription at any time.
So I hope you guys like this post let me know if I can help in the comment section
Wish you nothing but success!