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Websites That Pay You To Write | Hirewriters Review

These days you can find many different websites that pay you to write working from a variety of countries throughout the world. The reason for this surge in content and academic writing services is because more and more people are getting connected and need content.

They also need a hand writing their scholastic assignments as well. While these services all have a common purpose, they also have unique characteristic that help them stand out from the crowd.

Not all of these websites that pay you to write are successful or popular but Hirewriters seems to have beaten the odds. This review will show you how they are beating those odds. Just keep reading to find out all about Hirewriters.

Hirewriters website pay you to write

Websites That Pay You To Write

It is hard to stand out from all the other websites that pay you to write but the owners of this company have done their homework and designed their website to be very user friendly.

#1. Hirewriters landing page

The first thing you see about Hirewriters is their landing page. it is tasteful, using nice colors that do not clash. These use of color and large and small font makes reading the information simple and easy.

The landing page is well organized as well and navigation to the sub web pages is not difficult or confusing. Going from the landing page to the sign up or log in web page is a matter of a simple click of one button.

From there you either sign up as a client or as a writer. Everything is laid out very simply, clearly so that there is no confusion. This trend goes for all the pages you will encounter when you are either a writer or a client.

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#2. Clients vs. writers home page

After signing up as one or the other, you will be sent to different home pages. The writer’s option is very simple with only the barest of details like projects in progress, how many jobs you have completed, how many were rejected and so on. There are also buttons to get to the open job page and to see your overall earnings.

Since Hirewriters pays writer on a weekly basis your total resets to 0 every Saturday. Your weekly total is shown in the upper right hand corner while the overall total is on a separate page. As is your review page which is not so clear.

To find out what clients are saying about you you have to click the review word next to the stars above the stats box.

For clients, everything is much simpler as they do not need to worry about earned money or reviews. They also have more buttons to press and are able to accept or reject the assignment at the press of a button. They may also call for a rewrite if they so wish.

All in all, the navigation is simple, easy and anyone can do it. The owners have set their website up well.

The cost of using Hirewriters

The owners have set themselves apart form other websites that pay you to write by keeping their fees low. You can get a 1000 word essay or article written for less than $10. Sometimes it goes as low as $5 or less.

This is good for the client as they can save money over other writing services which charge more. The client can pay more if they wish. For the writer, it is not so good and these low fees make it hard to earn any real money each week.

The client is not charged a fee to use the services at Hirewriters That fee is taken from the already low amount offered to the writers. The amount subtracted from the client’s payment ranges between 20% to 23% which is a big chunk of money in some cases.

Hirewriters specifics

These are the details that are involved with using this service both as a client and as a writer. For clients, there really is not limit as to what genre or topic they service will accept. Nor is there a length that they will reject. Some assignments reach 9,000 words or be as little as 15.

There is a built in copyscape feature that helps protect the client from plagiarized material or unoriginal writing on the part of the writer. It works sometimes and other times it doesn’t.

Then Hirewriters claims to only use native English writers from a limited amount of English speaking countries.. That feature is one of their many attractive points but that doe snot guarantee the writing will be great.

On this website that pay you to write, payment is made each Saturday through Pay Pal and some people do not like that limitation.

The negative aspects of Hirewriters

This website that pay you to write has many good points. Most of which have already been discussed. But there are some behind the scenes issues that keep this company and its owner from being the ideal.

#1. payments can be made late- the company has a stated payment time which they haphazardly meet from week to week

#2. There are a lot of technical issues- this has kept clients from receiving their completed work and stops writers from being paid. Support is slow to respond and rarely solve the problem before the writer loses money

#3. Support is very slow- to respond and rarely solve the problem before the writer loses money

#4. They fine the writer- the writers are already paid a low amount and on top of those fees the company will fine the writer for late work, cancel the order for no reason or issue fines for too many Copyscape violations.

Some final words

There is not enough space in for this review to get really in depth. There are some very good points this company has and a lot of bad points that keep us from enthusiastically recommending using it as either a client or a writer.

The best we can say is use at your own risk as the writing quality is not guaranteed for the client and payment is low for the writers.

Click here to Visit Hirewriters

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